Thursday, September 28, 2023

Anti-war Voices

    After reviewing anti-war websites, I can see all of the news that our mainstream media is blocking or neglecting. The people are the ones with the voice and power, yet the people have spoken and decided that we do not want war. I find it interesting how these voices are muted and war continues. 

    The government benefits in all kinds of ways during wartime, and that is likely why they want to remain at war. The government is able to utilize powers during wartime that they otherwise can't. They are able to increase defense, overstep rights granted by the constitution, and control spending. These things directly impact the people in many ways and the government wishes to remain in control over these things. If the war ended, these rights given to the government would no longer be in effect, the government holds out and silences anti-war voices to continue holding control over the people. This is sad and upsetting as the people are the true voice of our democracy and to have any form of censoring or suppressing if ideas goes against the core of American values that we were founded on. 

    Some of the government's wartime rights include the ability to declare martial law, restrict some of our civil liberties, and partake in surveillance. While these things may be used to protect national security, it is important to find balance between that and preserving the rights of individuals and our freedoms. The government can also implement more drastic actions during wartime, like detainment without trial and censorship. These things could be used to impede on our granted liberties and freedoms, yet are dismissible during wartime. I find it interesting how the government is in no hurry to end war, as ending war would also end their ability to overstep their role in democracy and remain in control over the people. 

The Radio

A technology that I was interested to learn about during our presentations was the invention of the Radio. The radio changed the way that people could receive information. Prior to this invention, people had to wait days, if not weeks to hear news and information through letters, newspapers, or word of mouth. This made all communication have a delay. If there was pressing news about war, the economy, or any other time sensitive information, people would be days behind by the time they received news. 

The radio allowed people to get real time updated on what is going on in our world. At the time of its invention, it was revolutionary, as it was the most instant form of communication to date, excluding direct conversation. People could receive real-time alerts for weather, emergency protocol directions, and news headlines. The ability to reach large populations enabled new safety features that society didn't have prior to this invention. 

The radio didn't just change the game for updating people on the news, it also changed the way people access music, sports, and many other programs, as they could now access these things from their own homes. People could tune in and listen to political speeches which allowed more people to form educated opinions based on what they hear directly. Before the radio became a resource for information, people would have to either wait to hear about it in the paper, or hear about it through the words of someone who attended the event. The radio served not only as a tool for entertainment, but also education. 

         The radio was transformative in its time. Allowing instant communication was unheard of prior to its invention. The ability to share news, sports, music, and current events binds society together as listeners and strengthen the sense of community. Even if the radio is not as well used today, the significance in communication that its creation fostered will live on. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The History of Paper

   Paper was a tool that played such a large role in the advancement and expansion of human communication. The ability to share ideas and preserve knowledge launched the progression of art, politics, and current events all around the world. Even today, paper holds history and value because of its tangibility and lasting role in communication. 

    Paper is one of, if not the oldest form of communication. Written communication has been around for centuries. Writing can be traced back to when cavemen walked the earth etching characters on rocks. Prior to papyrus and paper as we know it, clay tablets were the tool used to document information. These tablets were more difficult to create and preserve. They also were much larger and heavier than paper and it made it harder to transport.The main reason that paper was so important at this time was the portability and accessibility of it. Paper terminated some of the physical barriers of communication during this time and made the spreading of knowledge much more efficient. 

    Papyrus is one of the earliest forms of paper and is traced back to ancient Egypt. It originated in the form of woven plant based fibers. This form of written communication was revolutionary and as most things tend to do, word of this method was spreading to many other countries and the ideas began to shift and migrate to other regions. China was one of the first recorded places to have paper mills and paper pulp. This form of paper is much more similar to what we use today. By the 13th century, paper had made its way through Europe and Spain had started using water powered paper mills. The evolution of paper and its advancements are mostly credited to its accessibility. The rise of paper manufacturing changed the way that people communicate with one another. 

    By the late 1600s, paper mills were being built in America. With paper production now reaching most parts of the world, the innovation began to take off. The Paper mill allowed for paper to be manufactured much faster and more efficiently which enabled the literary world to take off. Books and newspapers were much easier and cheaper to produce so they became much more popular. Communication was becoming easier to facilitate now that people had physical and copyable forms of information. 

The history of paper and its byproducts will outlast all of us. Libraries hold thousands of pieces of written documents which act as archives for our past. Paper is much more permanent and tangible. Even with technological advancements making paper communication more and more obsolete, books, newspapers, textbooks, and journals hold so much history. Understanding the roots of our communication can allow for appreciation of how easy and accessible widespread communication is today. Even if newspapers and books are not the first source people look to these days for information, we must appreciate how they got us to where we are today. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Importance of Dissent

    I would argue that dissent is one of the most important freedoms of expression that we are granted. Especially in today's society where online censorship becomes more of a concern. Our right to criticize our own government is what maintains a balance of power between the people and the government. We the people have a say, and if that say is against the government, it's just as valid as if it were in favor of the government. The advancement of technology has made sharing opinions easier than ever. With the potential to reach millions at the tap of a screen, there is power in the words we use and the methods by which we choose to share our thoughts. These social media platforms like X, Instagram, and Tik Tok allow people to exercise their first amendment rights everyday. In a politically charged society, opinions on the government are destined to be shared. Whether in favor or against, we have the freedom to speak our mind about the government. 

    The importance of having the right to disagree and criticize the government comes down to the definition of freedom itself. If the power truly lies on the people then the people should be able to tell the government when they think it's doing something wrong. History has shown the importance placed on limited government control. Fleeing one country and founding another based on the pursuit of freedom from an overpowering government must be a sign showing how much our ancestors craved a voice. Dissent is our voice, we get to say when we think the government is doing a poor job upholding our liberties. 

    Activists, journalists and students in India are suffering from the lack of sedition legislation in their country. People can be arrested and placed in jail for any expression of negativity towards their government. An artist in India faced two days in prison for caricatures and cartoons he drew criticizing the government. Another man was arrested for singing 2 songs that criticized the state government's policy on state-run liquor shops at the expense of the poor. In America, we can look at this contrasting political environment and see the importance of freedom of dissent. Hopefully, we also grow a fonder appreciation for the implementation of sedition acts into our freedoms and understand the importance of being able to speak freely about our government.

 The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1789 changed the trajectory of our history. Coming from a monarchical system in England and trying to establish an unprecedented form of government was likely daunting to our founding fathers. The system in England seemed to almost fear the power of the people. If people can openly criticize government, who's to say they won't join forces and overthrow the whole establishment? Founding fathers like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson didn't approach this issue with fear, but rather embraced the voice of the people. Allowing people true freedom of speech means allowing critical speech as well. 

The Supreme Court

   The Supreme Court is something I have a little background knowledge on. Throughout middle and high school, we learn the basic fundamentals of our functioning government so I had the basic grasp of the role of the Supreme Court. Once I came to college, I took an American politics course which heavily focused on the part that the Supreme Court plays in our political system.  
    I find it interesting how the Constitution still plays such a large role in the court today. The surprise isn't necessarily based on the content itself. More so in the telling strength that a 200 year old document has stood the test of time because of its flexibility and potential for change and ratification. Even in such different times from the day that our country was founded, the same principles are upheld and built upon as we progress as a society. I feel that I have found a deeper appreciation for the Supreme Court as they spend their life serving as a voice of that living document that protects our freedoms. 

    I appreciated the statement that Justice O'Connor made in regard to how the Justices keep civility. Beginning each meeting by shaking everyone's hand humanizes one another and makes it less likely to hold a grudge if they find themselves disagreeing on a topic. Being able to step back at the end of the day and realize that the judges are all ruling in favor of what they deem fair and just and not out of malice can make conversation and deliberation more productive. Asking difficult questions can be thought provoking and the conversations that the court shares are meant to protect the principles of our nation. 
    One thing I have shifted my perspective on since watching the video is my impression of the Justices as individuals. I tend to clump the idea of the Supreme Court as a whole and forget that there are people up there who experience nervousness and pride and power all the same as I have the potential to. Hearing Ruth Bader Ginsburg speak about her first time sitting in on a Supreme Court case as a judge was an interesting and insightful perspective into what the justices are like outside of the media and that is something I haven't really considered before. 

My Most Used Sources For Information

    Sourcing information is something that has become much more relevant and important over the past decade. With the invention of smartphones, the internet, and now AI, information can be spread at lightning speed. While that can be a great resource, it also has made it easier than ever to share false information to a massive amount of people. The importance of understanding the kind of sources you take information from only becomes more crucial as we continue down a path of technological growth.

    One of my main sources of information that I rely on is the Washington Post. I subscribe to their mobile newsletters to try to stay updated on the most relevant stories. I would say that this source is one I use mainly for information on politics as they seem to have a fairly neutral position on political events. I have found that my favorite feature they offer is the "Daily 7" which highlights the top 7 stories that are the most relevant of the day. Whether lifestyle, sports, or politics, they summarize the important information of current events to help brief you on what's going on in the world. It's helpful to be able to briefly catch up on news and stay informed on major events. They also include access to the full stories within the "Daily 7" so that if any of the articles catch your eye, it's easy to dive deeper into the full story. 

    Another source that I receive information from is CNN. The CNN Instagram posts headlines of all their top news articles and following their account is an easy way to come across news daily. Seeing the overviews of the most relevant stories that they are reporting on is convenient because when I don't find the time to watch the news or log into my Washington Post account, there can be current events that are reported on that I miss. Seeing them regularly in my feed when scrolling on social media allows me to stay briefed on the top stories and more pressing events. The CNN news channel is occasionally on at my family's house, but I would say that I pay more attention to the articles posted onto their other forms of social media simply out of convenience's sake. 

    When I'm looking to find more information centered on entertainment and pop culture, I tend to look to E! News. I enjoy staying up to date with the latest in the entertainment world. Whether celebrity couples, fashion, or drama, I want to hear about all of it. E! News does a great job at highlighting trending stories and keeping their social media platforms up to date. Sometimes they have a tendency to overdo it. I believe I saw them post 5 separate Instagram articles about Joe Jonas' divorce, which didn't seem all that necessary. Either way, I'd rather have too much coverage than not enough. Their website is also very easy to navigate. They keep the top 5 trending stories at the top of their website where it would be easy to access the full articles. They also separate their stories into categories and genres so it is easy to find similar articles if you stumble across one that you like. They are also fairly reliable in terms of reporting false information. Most of the stories they put out have some form of verification. 

    One source that I receive information from less frequently is Fox News. My grandparents keep Fox News on all the time at their house so I find that I take in more of their content that I would necessarily say I'd like to. Regardless of how the information is consumed, I see their broadcasts and news they report on semi-regularly. I find that I use this source more for the purpose of hearing about a breaking news story or a development in politics and then I take that superficial knowledge and find other sources and reports on that information to form a whole opinion about the situation. When my grandparents have the T.V. on and I hear something interesting that I hadn't seen or heard before, it intrigues me to keep looking for more information in other places. I wouldn't say that this is my go-to source when looking to find out more on politics but the portion of information I do take in from their news outlet likely plays a small role in my formation of opinions and overall knowledge of current events. 

    My final source of information, an probably the most frequently used, is the information shared by family and friends. I find that thought provoking conversation has been one of the best ways to challenge my opinions. Having friends who are like minded is nice because you probably care a similar amount about similar current events and can use one another to stay in the loop. On the other hand, having friend who share opposing views is just as (if not more) beneficial. The ability to have civil discussion about issues going on in our works with multiple perspectives allows for the opportunity for growth and understanding. Even if these discussions don't shift either of your opinions, I appreciate that people with differing worldviews who share different sources of information can come together and try to inform one another about their own perspective.


My Relationship With Technology

  My relationship with technology is not as healthy as I would like it to be. I feel as though I spend too much time on social media and le...