I would argue that dissent is one of the most important freedoms of expression that we are granted. Especially in today's society where online censorship becomes more of a concern. Our right to criticize our own government is what maintains a balance of power between the people and the government. We the people have a say, and if that say is against the government, it's just as valid as if it were in favor of the government. The advancement of technology has made sharing opinions easier than ever. With the potential to reach millions at the tap of a screen, there is power in the words we use and the methods by which we choose to share our thoughts. These social media platforms like X, Instagram, and Tik Tok allow people to exercise their first amendment rights everyday. In a politically charged society, opinions on the government are destined to be shared. Whether in favor or against, we have the freedom to speak our mind about the government.
The importance of having the right to disagree and criticize the government comes down to the definition of freedom itself. If the power truly lies on the people then the people should be able to tell the government when they think it's doing something wrong. History has shown the importance placed on limited government control. Fleeing one country and founding another based on the pursuit of freedom from an overpowering government must be a sign showing how much our ancestors craved a voice. Dissent is our voice, we get to say when we think the government is doing a poor job upholding our liberties.
Activists, journalists and students in India are suffering from the lack of sedition legislation in their country. People can be arrested and placed in jail for any expression of negativity towards their government. An artist in India faced two days in prison for caricatures and cartoons he drew criticizing the government. Another man was arrested for singing 2 songs that criticized the state government's policy on state-run liquor shops at the expense of the poor. In America, we can look at this contrasting political environment and see the importance of freedom of dissent. Hopefully, we also grow a fonder appreciation for the implementation of sedition acts into our freedoms and understand the importance of being able to speak freely about our government.
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1789 changed the trajectory of our history. Coming from a monarchical system in England and trying to establish an unprecedented form of government was likely daunting to our founding fathers. The system in England seemed to almost fear the power of the people. If people can openly criticize government, who's to say they won't join forces and overthrow the whole establishment? Founding fathers like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson didn't approach this issue with fear, but rather embraced the voice of the people. Allowing people true freedom of speech means allowing critical speech as well.
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